‘Where you at?’ is a continuation of a series of features we started last year on the movements of our top kiwi riders. First up for 2013 is Stef Zeestraten who’s been awesome enough to supply us with some wicked shots taken on his whirlwind tour. JW


Where you at right now?

Wanaka believe it or not, enjoying some time off snow. Working on the farm, pretending to be a grownup, only to get the itch to get back out there again after the next good snowfall and test out all the new gear for anther unpredictable and always epic NZ winter.

Where were you before that?

Had an entertaining season traveling around on a few of the World Cup Slopestyle Comps traveling way to much but getting to shred some wicked spots along the way.

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Tailbone, Montafon, Austria PHOTO:MICHIEL ROTGANS

Sounds like you had an insane schedule, what were some of the highlights?

Yes my Schedule went something like this.

New Zealand > USA > Canada > USA > Germany > Austria > Germany > Russia > Turkey > Germany > Holland > Austria > Germany > Holland > Czech Republic > Switzerland > Spain > USA > New Zealand

I would have to say Alberg Austria has to top if for me this year (check the latest New Zealand Snowboarder for that one) and we had a 10 day “training session in Flachau Winkle, Austria that got completely snowed out every day with waist deep fresh that I ended up shredding with Jody B and Tom W for more face shots than anyone could need in a season. And the daily shred in the park at keystone and breck early season with Jody Blatchley are never dull, far from it.

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Mind Shred! Alrberg, Austria

Anything go wrong?

Yep they always do. Russian comp got canceled and I decided to go anyways.  Missed a few flights and ended up going a few thousand kilometers in the wrong direction to St Petersburg. The funny thing about shit going wrong and being gutted about a 2 extra flights at 3 in the a twelve hour detour, is that St Petersburg ended up being the one of the coolest cities I have ever been to.

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St Petersberg

How is the Olympic bid going?

Not to concerned. I am more interested doing a few new tricks that will scare the shit out of me and I am sure if they come then so will a few more comps, like the one mentioned.

Best comp?

World champs was actually really good this year. Everyone hated it as it was icy but somehow I was having way to much fun to worry about the comp and ended up doing ok despite smashing my knee into my face in practice for training and kooking my runs in finals.

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Olympic Training!

Coolest place you visited?

St Petersburg was an unexpected last minute destination where we only had 5 hours to get a taxi to the city and check the place out before jumping on another plane. This place was everything I hoped to see in Russia including the Architecture, Soviet influences and grumpy looking Russians that struggle to show emotions until you communicate with them and they end up being amazing human beings with a wicked sense of humor.

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Plans for the NZ winter?

You will find me most day up Cardrona doing early morning park laps and a coffee, with the odd days on the dark side of the Crown Range in Queenstown hang with the Diaries Down Under Crew and a few last minute trips to the club fields to hang with a lack of people and get lost in the backcountry. Keen to go shred as soon as possible!


Thanks to my Family and friend and sponsors for helping live life like it should be lived.

Oakley, K2 snowboards, Cardrona, Mons Royale, Cheapskates, Madwax and the New Zealand Snowboard Team.


See you up there peeps!