Alex Stewart – Where ya at?

Where are you at right now Alex? 

Right now I am living in Milan, Italy

What’s the best thing about it ?

The beautiful Italian women will keep you on your toes. 

What’s the worst thing?

That every time I’m here I seem to be working with the computer to much,

Best breakfast food?

Althouh the European espresso and croissant system is growing on me I’m still a “Big Kiwi Breakfast” kinda guy.

5 things you love about Europe

The passionate people, the Italian snowboard community, the French wine, the limitless riding options and the relaxed boarder security.















You’re involved with a crew called Rusty Tooth Brush, tell us about that..

Rusty Toothbrush kicked off a little over a year ago in New Zealand with my 2 best buddies Troy Tanner and Daniel Medina unfortunately  both suffered serious set-backs this year that have got them questioning their future with snowboarding.
Rusty Toothbrush is now officially a film production company operating predominantly here in Europe.
I am the producer and work with 2 full-time fillers: Francesco Zoppei (ITALY) and Theo Acworth (UK) Together we recently completed a summer project on the Glacier in Les Deux Alpes – France

What was the best trick you last got on film?

Hardway back-270 into a kink

What was the worst slam?

Did you ever see the time I fell into a half-pipe on a deckchair?
 That was the scariest!

Where do you plan to be for the northern hemisphere season?

This northern hemi winter we our on the road between France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy with Rusty Toothbrush filming different projects for our various european sponsors

Any plans for video projects etc?

We have a calendar absolutely overflowing from the 22nd of November until the 30th of April dedicated solely to Video production, I’m so excited for this winter! 
Our primary contract includes the production of a 5 part web-series in association with Les Deux Alpes – France, A Rusty Toothbrush Independent movie and various smaller projects with other European resorts and sponsors.

Shout outs, sponsors, last words?

I would like to thank my homie Joel for the interview and for keeping this kiwi lost abroad (me) keep connected with the New Zealand snowboard scene.
My sponsors DC Shoes, Smith Optics and Flux Bindings 
And to my Amazing Friends and Family for helping me live my dream
oh and also….. Do things now you’d prefer your future wife not to know about