#28 Sept/October 2001

RIDER: Will Jackways
LOCATION: Cardrona

Will Jackways takes the cover, and Dylan Butt is heralded as Guest Editor. In a sign of things to come, Dyl brings his twist to the issue through photo selection and captions, as well as a couple articles like “Onset” and “The Jam”, the first version of what eventually becomes the NZ Burton Open. Matto Smith takes us through a crippler in “Trick Tip”, while Ju Bray and Q take out our first ever “Peer Poll”. Hutchy visits Broken River in “Airs, Avalanche’s and Alan’s Basin”. “Guest Editor’s Gallery” features photos of grommet Mitch Brown, Reon Morland, Quentin Robbins, Deano Johnston, Will Jackways, Steve Ferguson, Joel Westcot, Dylan Butt, and Grant Hutchinson. “Future Now” profiles 9 upcoming riders in depth; Fi Duncan, Leon Eru, Brent Screen, Mark Catsburg, Roland Morley-Brown, Logan Holt, Andy Clark, Carla Simcox and Patrick Nepia. “Kiwis” checks in with Rob Johnstone, and “No Limits” finds out what happened to Olly Brunton.


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